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Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Texte noté : sans médiation

Auteur(s) : Mattern, Mark (1954-....)  Voir les notices liées en tant qu'auteur

Titre(s) : Anarchism and art [Texte imprimé] : democracy in the cracks and on the margins / Mark Mattern

Publication : Albany : SUNY press, 2016

Description matérielle : vii, 187 pages ; 24 cm

Collection : SUNY series in new political science

Lien à la collection : SUNY series in new political science 

Comprend : Anarchism and Democracy ; DIY (Do it yourself) Punk Music ; Poetry Slam ; Graffiti and Street Art ; Flash Mobs ; Prefiguring Progressive Change.

Note(s) : Includes bibliographical references and index
"Situated at the intersection of anarchist and democratic theory, Anarchism and Art focuses on four popular art forms--DIY (Do It Yourself) punk music, poetry, slam, graffiti and street art, and flash mobs--found in the cracks between dominant political, economic, and cultural institutions and on the margins of mainstream neoliberal society. Mark Mattern interprets these popular art forms in terms of core anarchist values of autonomy, equality, decentralized and horizontal forms of power, and direct action by common people, who refuse the terms offered them by neoliberalism while creating practical alternatives. As exemplars of central anarchist principles and commitments, such forms of popular art, he argues, prefigure deeper forms of democracy than those experienced by most people in today's liberal democracies. That is, they contain hints of future, more democratic possibilities, while modeling in the present the characteristics of those more democratic possibilities. Providing concrete evidence that progressive change is both desirable and possible, they also point the way forward"

Sujet(s) : Art et politique  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet
Anarchisme -- Dans l'art  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet
Art et société  Voir les notices liées en tant que sujet

Identifiants, prix et caractéristiques : ISBN 9781438459196 (hardcover) (alk. paper). - ISBN 143845919X (hardcover) (alk. paper). - ISBN 9781438459219 (erroné) (e-book)

Identifiant de la notice  : ark:/12148/cb453719674

Notice n° :  FRBNF45371967 (notice reprise d'un réservoir extérieur)

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